Sen. Graham: A Leading Light

Source: Senate Republican Conference
Our political culture and government processes have become dark places of partisanship and bickering. Those from each side of the aisle form groups and never allow their minds to meet. We desire good policy and clean politics, yet we vote for and encourage the slimy stuff we see. In the darkness we call Washington political culture there is a light: South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
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Leadership Calendar

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Graham Serves in Iraq

A Senator usually visits Iraq for a few days as part of a congressional delegation and then returns stateside. They usually make their pronouncements about the situation from a political standpoint only. Sen. Graham is in a unique position being a United States Air Force Reserve Colonel and Judge Advocate.

Sen. Graham was a member of a recent delegation to Iraq with Sen. John McCain. He toured Iraq with the delegation on 1 and 2 April and then traded his casual clothes for desert camoflage. Sen. Graham served a week of active duty in Iraq with the Judge Advocate's office of the Multinational Force-Iraq.

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