Sen. Graham: A Leading Light

Source: Senate Republican Conference
Our political culture and government processes have become dark places of partisanship and bickering. Those from each side of the aisle form groups and never allow their minds to meet. We desire good policy and clean politics, yet we vote for and encourage the slimy stuff we see. In the darkness we call Washington political culture there is a light: South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
View a snapshot of Sen. Graham

Leadership Calendar

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sen. Graham Travels to Guantanamo to witness CSRT Hearing

Source: New York Times

Saturday marked the first hearing of a Combat Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) at that was closed to the media. This was a pivotal hearing of Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation form A-Z," Mohammed admitted as he gave his confession to the tribunal consisting of three military officers and with two United States Senators Lindsey Graham and Carl Levin watched via closed circuit TV.

Senators Graham and Levin were present to observe the process and report back about what happened. Graham was an architect of the Military Commissions Act which Levin voted against. They released a joint statement today that explained the process and said that it went well. However, they added that "the true test of the CSRT process is not a case in which the detainee admits the allegations against him, it is a case in which the detainee disputes those allegations. Judicial review of the tribunals is ongoing. We will continue to review the process and will explore possible ways to improve this process through Congressional action."

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