Sen. Graham: A Leading Light

Source: Senate Republican Conference
Our political culture and government processes have become dark places of partisanship and bickering. Those from each side of the aisle form groups and never allow their minds to meet. We desire good policy and clean politics, yet we vote for and encourage the slimy stuff we see. In the darkness we call Washington political culture there is a light: South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
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Leadership Calendar

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Exciting and Frustrating Times

I have been following and supporting Sen. Graham for a year now. Things are both frustrating and exciting. Frustrating because Social Security reform seems to be permanently stalled. Exciting because when Senators Reid and Frist met the other day his name came up as a potential nominee for the United States Supreme Court.First, the Supreme Court. Sen. Graham's name was mentioned as one of four compromise nominees when senators Reid and Frist met about the Supreme Court. This is exciting, but also evokes mixed feelings. Excitement because I could be watching someone I admire getting confirmed as a Justice on the Supreme Court.

There are mixed feeling present because it would mean he leave s the Senate. I would be sad but proud if this were to happen. However, it is not likely because President nominates. It is likely we will get whatever he wants, although, I hope he advises the Senate of the nominee.

Now, the frustration over Social Security reform. This initiative seems to be permanently stalled. The Republicans are focused on private accounts and the Democrats refuse to consider these accounts. It is frustrating because all the focus has been on the accounts even though Sen. Graham has brought up the key issue: solvency. The bill he has cosponsored (S. 1302) does not address this. His bill (S. 1878) from the last congress did. It was a lot tougher than either of us imagined.

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